Article 1. Constitutional Law Journals Network is an academic and scientific association created to strengthen the development of constitutional law through academic union of some of the most prestigious periodic publications of constitutional law in each country.
Article 2. The aims of the Network are:
- Promote the study and research of constitutional law with academic rigor.
- Contribute to the solidarity and mutual aid among the journal network members.
- Maintain a fluid communication among journal network members that allows generate and share knowledge and information in order to achieve the development of the constitutional juridical science.
- Seek the academic and scientific strengthening of journal network members.
- Seek the organization of conferences, debates and congress on constitutional law.
- Maintain a presence in courses, seminars, conferences, debates, congress, and others gatherings on constitutional law.
- Increase the number of members of journal network.
- Seek the creation of an electronic journal whose aim is to approach constitutional issues of common interest.
- All others deemed for the benefit of journal network.
Article 3. The organisms of the Network are:
- The Board of Director.
- The Technical Coordination.
Article 4. The Board of Director will be composed of five of the journal network members and the following institutions:
- Institute for Legal Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
- Iberoamerican Institute of Constitutional Law.
- Center of Political and Constitutional Studies of Madrid.
Article 5. The Board of Director is headed by President of the Iberoamerican Institute of Constitutional Law; the Technical Coordination is headed by Cuestiones Constitucionales Revista Mexicana de Derecho Constitucional edited by Institute for Legal Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Article 6. The Board of Director has the following attributions:
- Determine the lines to strengthen the constitutional law through the journals network members.
- Approve the organization of diffusion activities of the network.
- Approve the participation of the Network in academic activities related to the Network.
- Approve entry to the Journals Network of new journals.
- Determine, when the time arrives, the creation of an electronic journal and the guidelines that govern it.
- Determine the seat of the regular meeting of the Network.
- Approve the amendments to this Statute.
Article 7. The decisions of the Board of Director shall be final and they will be communicated and implemented through the Technical Coordination.
Article 8. The Technical Coordination has the following attributions:
- Manage the Constitutional Law Journals Network.
- Manage the website of the Network.
- Evaluate the journals applicants wishing to enter the Network and submit them to the decision to the Board of Director.
- Manage participation in courses, seminars, conferences, debates and congress on constitutional law, and organize with the support of journals network members, various academic activities.
- Manage the Network diffusion in the Journals Network members.
- Receive from Journal Network members information they want to diffuse in the Network and in the others journals network members.
- Receive from Journal Network members the articles, comments or reviews to upload to the website of the Network.
- Receive the list of journals Network members with the jurists that make up the portfolio of arbitrators.
- Elaborate the portfolio of arbitrators and upload it to the website page of the Network.
- Communicate and implement the decisions taken by the Board of Director to the Journal Network members.
- Fulfill, when the times arrives, the necessary activities for the creation of an electronic journal and the guidelines that govern it.
12) Keep a file of the determinations of the Board of Director and the decisions of the Network.
13) Ensure compliance with the provision of this statute.
Article 9. To enter into the Network, the journals concerned shall:
- Apply for admission to the Technical Coordination.
- Have the approval of the corresponding instance of their journal.
- Have the participation of jurists in constitutional law or public law in general, whether in their organization or content.
- Have, preferably, international visibility in scientific indexes.
- Have, at least, five years of age.
- Have the approval of the two thirds of the members of the Board of Director.
Article10. The Journals that do not comply with any of the previous requirements, may be part of the Network as guests journals, and participate in the activities organized by the Network as well as those that determined the Technical Coordination.
Article 11. The entrance to the Network is not subject or subordinate to an ideological, political, racial or religious considerations, or membership of a particular school or scientific or philosophical trend.
Article12. The rights of the members of the network are:
- Make proposals to improve the content of the website of the Network.
- Participate in regular gatherings of the Network.
- Benefit from the diffusion and promotion given by the Network and from the Journals Network members.
- Propose to the Technical Coordination candidates to enter into the Network.
- Incorporate or modify the website of the Network with information they consider relevant for their journals and for the Network, through the Technical Coordination.
- Use the logo of the Network in their journals.
Article 13. The obligations of the members of the Network are:
- Attend regular gatherings of the Network.
- Diffuse and promote the Network in their journals.
- Diffuse and promote to the Journals network members.
- Support, if any, in organizing academic activities of the Network.
- Send, periodically, to the Technical Coordination, the information about their journals.
- Send, periodically, to the Technical Coordination, articles, comments or reviews to upload to the website of the Network.
- Send to the Technical Coordination a list of five jurists linked to their journal to form the Portfolio of Arbitrators.
- Use the logo of the Network in their journals.
- Comply with the decisions approved by the Board of Director.
- Comply, at all times, the provisions of this Statute.
Article 14. The Network gatherings will be at least every two years and the journal network members will seek to change the venue in each of them. At the end of each gathering the members of the Network will be determine the next seat.
Article 15. Diffusion is a permanent and reciprocal task that is performed by each and every one of the journal network members.
Article 16. The journal network members will disseminate the contents of the journals that make up the Network in each number. Each journal will send to the Technical Coordination relevant information that they will want to be diffuse in the numbers published by journals networks members.
Article 17. Journals Network members will provide in their website page links to the websites of the Network and to the journals involved in the Network.
Article 18. The Network will provide in their website page links to the websites of each of the journal involved in the Network.
Article 19. The Technical Coordination will send relevant information to the journal network member to diffuse the Network in the numbers published by the journals network members.
Article 20. The Network will have a website managed by the Technical Coordination.
Article 21. The logo of the Network is comprised of an image that reflects, primarily, the academic links that are pretended to create between the various members of the Network, using different colors representing the majority of them, framing with that image the rise of this new effort reflected by the words "Constitutional Law Journals Network"
Article 22. The amendment of this statute shall be conducted by decision of two thirds of the members of the Board of Director and will be instrumented and executed by the Technical Coordination.
Article 23. This statute is binding rule for the Constitutional Law Journals Network.
Article 24. The application of this statute for the journals that will be integrated into the network, will operate once the Board of Director has approved its incorporation.
FIRST. This Statute shall enter into force the day after publication in the website of the Network.